24. Delivery Charges

Shipping and handling rates may vary based on product, packaging, size, volume, type and other considerations. The shipping and handling charges are given at the time of check out and consumers will know about this before making payments

25. Return & Exchange Policy

You may return a product brought from us in case of damage or defect within 7 days of purchase for non-perishable products and within 24 hours of purchase for perishable products.

The return and exchange shall be in the form credit note only and there would be no refund of cash. The date of purchase is printed on the receipt.
However, after the period of 7 days for non-perishable product and 2 days for perishable products from the purchase date, we cannot offer you a return & exchange.

Important information

  • Products can be returned or exchanged only if the original receipt is presented.
  • The refund or exchange shall be subject to inspection and in case it is not approved, then no refund & exchange shall be initiated.
  • The Product must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging.
  • The credit note cannot be exchanged or extended beyond the validity mentioned on it.
  • We may change our Return & Exchange policy from time to time.
  • The above policy is valid on all products except Gift cards, alcoholic beverages and perishable items having shelf life of less than 2 days.
26. Right to Contract

User understands and represents that she is competent to contract in accordance with the Indian laws and shall provide correct and genuine information while placing an order on the Website.